Closer look: Hirsch Liberty Leather Watch Strap

The Hirsch Liberty has been part of our inventory since around 2010. Now that is a long time for a product to remain largely unchanged but we see that as a positive and a true testament to the quality of the Hirsch Liberty.
What is it about the Liberty that everyone loves? Well, the Liberty boasts a lot of great features that people are looking for in a watch strap. It is constructed from a single piece of leather giving it this vintage appeal that everyone desires. Pair that with the heavy gauge stitching and this straps does a lot for a lot of different watches.
The Liberty comes with a choice of four buckles, two being readily available from Hirsch (Silver & Gold) whilst we have introduced two exclusive to WatchObsession buckle finishes (Brushed & Black). We noticed that you wanted more buckle options and we made it happen for you.
Those that take a chance on the Liberty find themselves getting more, either a different colour or a different size for another one of their watches.